The Right Surf Gear for Beginners

Want to begin surfing but don’t know what the right gear is? you are not the only one. Many like you get intimidated by extreme sports. But don’t worry; the following tips will help you to get started.

Practice makes the master. Start by practicing with balance activities. A good balance is the main factor for a good start with your paddle board. But, there is nothing better than to train with a professional in this sport, look for basic training surf lessons and get the following gear for a safe and enjoyable start at this sport.

The Right Surfboard For Beginners

When you are a beginner at any sport is better to start step by step. You want to spend on an expensive surfboard when you get experienced. Meanwhile, buy a basic surfboard; a 9-foot-soft-top longboard is a good one to get you started; this board is efficient and provides the stability you need for this sport. It’s the perfect board to practice basic surf skills and much safer than other types.

Wetsuits For Beginners?

When learning the basics of surfing, you want to feel as comfortable as possible; get a long sleeve rash guard and leave the wetsuit for your intermediate to advanced level of surfing. This versatile shirt will allow you to move freely and protect you from harmful sun rays thanks to its UV protection fabrics. When you are under long periods of sun rays, you want to protect yourself by applying sunscreen to your face and body and using the proper garment to shield you from sun damage and harsh water conditions.

Is a rash guard enough? when it comes to surf clothing, you can combine your rash guard with surf shorts or surfing bikinis, depending on your wants.

A Surf Leash is a Must For Beginners

The leash is an essential surfing tool, especially for beginners. It will help you not lose control of your board when you maneuver it in the water and help others locate you in case you get caught in a big rip current.

Flow with dasFlow, and get your rash guards now!

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