PET Eco-Friendly Fabric and Its Production Process

woman doing yoga in custom sublimated pink sports bra and black leggings in tropical greenery outdoors

Have you ever heard of the fabric called PET Eco? If not, then prepare to be surprised with information about a new fashion trend that can change the world.

There is a saying that goes "The remains of one man are the treasure of another." In other words, you are implying that someone who is passionate about experimenting with underrated resources , and has a vision of creating something extraordinary, is not going to miss out on trying. One such person is Nicolás Krauss, the founder of dasFlow and his fashion line uses PET Eco fabric. When it comes to this line, his personal saying would be "One man's plastic bottles are another's adventure tank."

woman working out outside matching blue sublimated sports bra and leggings set

Each PET Eco or recycled polyester garment is made from four recycled bottles. Unlike the old polyester blend, recycled polyester makes use of existing plastic and requires much less oil to produce. Recycled polyester fabric can only be produced with clear plastic bottles, as they provide a neutral base for applying dyes. The production process begins with the labels being stripped from the bottles. Afterwards, the plastic is shredded into micro-sized pieces, heated and spun into yarn.

Como beneficia al medio ambiente? En la producción de fibra del PET Eco, las emisiones de CO2 están muy reducidas mientras bajan el impacto ambiental drásticamente. Ya que estas bien informado/a de prendas de poliester recicladas, te recomendamos explorar la página web  de dasFlow.